Course curriculum

    1. Overview

    1. Understanding the organization and its context

    2. Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

    3. Determining the scope of the compliance management system

    4. Compliance management system

    5. Compliance obligations

    6. Compliance risk assessment

    1. Context of the organization

    1. Leadership and commitment

    2. Compliance culture

    3. Compliance governance

    4. Compliance policy

    5. Roles, responsibilities and authorities

    6. Compliance function

    7. Management

    8. Personnel

    1. Leadership and commitment

    1. Actions to address risks and opportunities

    2. Compliance objectives and planning to achieve them

    3. Planning of changes

About this course

  • Free
  • 37 lessons
  • Compliance is an ongoing process and the outcome of an organization meeting its obligations. Compliance is made sustainable by embedding it in the culture of the organization and in the behaviour and attitude of people working for it.

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